Financial & Retirement Planing Service
Whether you’re retired or retiring soon, we’re here to help make the process a little easier. At Ken Walbridge Financial, we’ll answer your questions, work through any misconceptions, and assist you in developing a custom, written Game-Plan, that fits your specific goals, objectives and your unique risk profile.
A fiduciary must work in your best interest. Ken Walbridge is a fiduciary for advisory businesses. *Ken is appointed or licensed in Banking, Insurance is different from stocks and bonds. Insurance is Safer. ** Stocks and Bods have some risk.
401(k) Rollovers
While working, you will likely want to maximize your empoyer’s match, but, depending on your unique circumstances, you may want to consider rolling some 401k funds over. We can help you determine the plan that works best for your needs.
How we get Paid.
We are always transparent about our fees and commissions.
*Fiduciary duty extends solely to investment advisory advice and does not extend to other activities such as insurance or broker dealer services. Advisory clients are charged a monthly fee for assets under management while insurance products pay a commission, which may result in a conflict of interest regarding compensation.
** Insurance products including index or fixed annuities are not designed for short term investments and may be subject to caps, restrictions, fees and surrender charges as described in the annuity contract. Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims paying ability of the issuer.
We are NOT money managers…
We are Retirement Planning Specialists.
“Money Managers attempt to grow your money at all costs; We help savers use and enjoy their money at the least amount of cost.”
Ready to use, ENJOY and PROTECT your MONEY?
Get started in just FIVE simple steps.
Clarify your Vision
Before beginning any journey, it’s best to know where you’re going and what to expect along the way. Our first step of the process is unique because it’s all about you and your vision of retirement.
Together, we’ll clarify where you want to go. We’ll help identify your personal strengths and opportunities and consider potential dangers and threats to your financial journey. A personalized written outline summarizing your unique vision will be mailed to you for review at no cost or obligation.
Assess Your Situation
A trusted doctor would never give a medical diagnosis without first looking you over. When it comes to your financial diagnosis, neither will Ken! During “The Assessment” meeting (With Ken Walbridge), we will review your personal financial information. We’ll analyze your financial situation so that potential issues or concerns can be addressed and corrected. A brief written assessment of any findings and recommendations will be provided to you at no cost.
Create a Game-Plan
The WORRY FREE RETIREMENT is based on commitment and trust. In order to work together, we must create, confirm and commit to a Game-Plan. We will never pressure you to buy anything from us, nor will we ever suggest you move forward with our recommendations unless you understand them.
Implement Your Game-Plan
Reaching any goal requires action. With the implementation of your personal Game-Plan, you will have a safe, easy to follow path for reaching your retirement goals. This written Game-Plan will be self-contained in a highly organized binder that clearly communicates your hopes and dreams.
Monitor your Progress
There’s only one guarantee in life: nothing stays the same! Because change is inevitable, we provide one-on-one consultation with you at no cost, whenever you need it. When you’ve got a question, we’ll be here for you. That’s what trust and commitment are all about. The Worry-Free Retirement process anticipates change and values the idea of monitoring your progress along the way. Our time together also give us a chance to explore new ideas and possibilities as well.
Schedule your 15 min call now!